Starting the program after installation: The program will not start automatically. After installation, look in your "Start" menu, in a folder called "Alex McEachern". Technical note: We have tested this program on U.S. editions of Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows XP. It will probably work on any other version of Windows. The program is set up for an 1024x768 display, because that's what is available almost anywhere world-wide on video projectors. Again, the program is FREE, so NO SUPPORT is available... Windows 2000 Technical update: Marc Dekenah ( points out that there may be installation problems with Windows 2000. My guess is that if there are problems with Windows 2000, there will also be problems with Windows NT. Sorry! This program was developed and packaged entirely with Microsoft tools, so what we're dealing with here is Microsoft encouraging you to upgrade to the latest version of Windows. Possible work-around for Windows 2000: Here's what Marc tried, and it worked for him: Marc writes: "I did a 'non install' installation. I opened up the install executable with WinZip. I then extracted 'PQTTIndex.CAB'. I then opened this file with WinZip and simply placed all the files in one directory within Win2K (I put them in the "Program Files" folder under a folder called "PQtoy") and then simply called the program "PQTTIndex.exe" via a shortcut placed on the desktop. - success - and 10 more people were introduced to your program! I have not had time to experiment with trying to install from the 'PQTTIndex.CAB' unzipped files (as there is a setup.exe in there), but all I needed was a quick fix. When I get another Win2K machine in my paws, I'll give it a try." (Thanks, Marc!)