U.S. military power quality standards

"Characteristics of 28 Volt DC Electrical Systems in Military Vehicles" is a power quality compatibility standard. It applies only to DC power on "ground platforms", generally vehicles. (US military vehicles use 28 VDC, as opposed to the 12 VDC systems generally found in commercial vehicles.) It's a fairly complete standard, covering sags, swells, impulses, ripple, etc. on DC.
Last revision: Revision D, Aug 2006.

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems" covers the design and testing of electric power systems and user equipment. It applies only to shipboard power. The standard is fairly complete, covering Type I, II, and III shipboard power. It provides specifications on sags, interruptions, impulses, unbalance, and harmonics.
Last revision: Notice 1, 11 Mar 1992.

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"INTERFACE STANDARD: AIRCRAFT ELECTRIC POWER CHARACTERISTICS" has excellent specifications for aircraft power quality, including DC, single-phase, and three-phase systems. It provides specifications on sags, interruptions, impulses, unbalance, and harmonics.
Last revision: 1 May 1991.

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"ELECTRIC POWER EQUIPMENT: BASIC REQUIREMENTS" is a 127-page document; unfortunately, it is provided in a non-searchable format, and lacks a table of contents. Despite the title, I was unable to find any information regarding power quality in this document (it may be there, but I couldn't find it). I include this standard in this list because it has the right title, and there ought to be some PQ information in it.
Last revision: 6 August 1993

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"GENERAL GUIDELINES: ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT" is a 194-page document. There is no power quality information directly in this document, but "Guideline 25 - Electric Power" provides a useful roadmap to other PQ standards for ground vehicles, aircraft, ships, etc.
Last revision: 3 November 2000

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"Test Equipment for use with Electrical and Electronic Equipment" is an 88-page specification that discusses all aspects of test equipment for this purpose: safety, calibration, accuracy, etc. Used by all branches.
Last revision: 24 June 1996.

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"POWER AND THE ENVIRONMENT FOR SENSITIVE DoD ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT" is a huge 658-page handbook that discusses computer and other installations. The power quality sections are weak, incomplete, and outdated. There are no useful power quality specifications.
Last revision: 15 May 1990

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"Monitors, Voltage and Frequency, 400 Hz Electric Power" covers trip levels and durations of voltage and frequency monitors. It applies only to shipboard installations.
Last revision: Amendment 1, 29 October 1985.

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"ELECTRIC POWER MONITORS, EXTERNAL, AIRCRAFT" covers electric power monitors which are installed in aircraft to monitor external electric power to prevent power outside the limits of this specification from being applied to equipment in the aircraft. The specifications include AC and DC limits, but the described monitor is crude and the specs are ambiguous. Not recommended.
Last revision: 8 July 1998.

Summarized by Alex McEachern

"Monitors, Reverse Power and Power Sensing" is not exactly a power quality standard, but it has some interesting information about shipboard generator performance and impedance.
Last revision: 31 July 1989.

Summarized by Alex McEachern

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